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6 results found

Friends of Beaumont Park, Huddersfield

The Friends of Beaumont Park is a voluntary group actively working with Kirklees Council to regenerate the Park and restore it to its former glory. We also organise a wide programme of events in the...

Friends of Beaumont Park, Huddersfield website

Friends of Dean Wood

Environmental and conservation group. The group conserves the wood, its flora, fauna and wildlife habitats as a community resource. It promotes its use by local people through voluntary action for the...

Friends of Dean Wood website 07821 701564

Friends Of Mag Wood

An informal group of about 50 people, most of them living in Netherton, Honley and Armitage Bridge. A group who is keen to protect and appreciate one of their most beautiful local woodlands, known on...

Friends Of Mag Wood website 07593 950469

Newsome Wild

Newsome Wild are a voluntary community group adopting unused piece of land. This land will be used to create an outdoor space available to the whole community while increasing biodiversity and supporting...

Newsome Wild website

Stocksmoor Village Association

The Association was formed to represent the interests of Stocksmoor residents. We are active in improving the village and informing residents about issues affecting the village. Please our website for...

Stocksmoor Village Association website

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Together with our supporters and volunteers, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust are committed to creating a Yorkshire rich in wildlife for everyone. From saving our wildlife and wild places to bringing people closer...

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust website