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Organisations in category:

Housing information and services

10 results found

Age UK Handyperson services Kirklees

It can often be difficult and expensive to find someone to do those small jobs that you used to do yourself, such as hanging a curtain rail or fixing a dripping tap. Our Handyperson service can help with...

Age UK Handyperson services Kirklees website 01422 252040

Council House Repairs

Please see the council housing webpages for more details and to report a repair online

Council House Repairs website

Council Housing: Looking for a Council Home

Looking for a council home - If you would like to rent a council, housing association or shared ownership property in Kirklees, you will need to apply to our housing register. Please see our website...

Council Housing: Looking for a Council Home website

Council Tenant Participation - Community Engagement Team

If you live on a Council estate please see the website to find out how to get more involved in your community.

Council Tenant Participation - Community Engagement Team website

Fusion Housing

Various locations...

Fusion covers Kirklees and provides: Free and confidential advice on all housing and housing-related matters. Housing support to people aged 16 to 30. Learning opportunities and practical workshops. Bond...

Fusion Housing website 01484 425522

Homelessness (Kirklees Council)

Advice on housing options for people in housing need or who are homeless. Please see the website for details.

Homelessness (Kirklees Council) website

Kirklees HIPS (Horton Intervention and Prevention Service)

Horton Intervention and Prevention Service is based in Kirklees and is for people who are 16 and over. HIPS provides accommodation and support in the community. We will work alongside you to help you...

Kirklees HIPS (Horton Intervention and Prevention Service) website 01484 411870

Kirklees Homes & Neighbourhoods (Kirklees Council)

Formerly Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing, management of housing and related services moved into Kirklees Council in April 2021

Kirklees Homes & Neighbourhoods (Kirklees Council) website

Making Space (Supported Housing and Tenant Support)

Making Space is a national organisation which supports for people with a range of mental health conditions, learning disabilities and dementia, and their carers. The Batley office provides supported housing,...

Making Space (Supported Housing and Tenant Support) website 01924 441568

Shelterline - Housing Problems Helpline

Free national helpline for advice on any housing-related problem. Please see our website for information and the best way to contact us.

Shelterline - Housing Problems Helpline website