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Organisations in category:

Women's social clubs

3 results found

Holmfirth Phoenix Women's Group

Talks and demonstrations on a wide variety of topics including health and well-being, travel, arts and crafts, keep fit, quizzes and gardening (to name but a few). We also arrange trips out and in the...

Soroptimist International of Dewsbury and District

Soroptimist International of Dewsbury or SID as we like to call ourselves attracts members from Dewsbury and the surrounding areas. The majority of our members are employed in a range of professions or...

Soroptimist International of Dewsbury and District website 07790305115

Soroptimist International of Huddersfield

Part of a global women's organisation that works to improve the lives of women and girls. SI Huddersfield is keen to welcome new members; we are a small friendly club with new members of just a few months...

Soroptimist International of Huddersfield website

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