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7 results found
Various locations...
Age UK Calderdale and Kirklees have friendly centres in Sundale House, Bradley, Huddersfield, and The Whitfield Centre, near Batley where older people can get together for a chat, lots of different activities...
Age UK Wellbeing Centres in Kirklees: Sundale House and The Whitfield Centre website 01422 252040
Community Friends is a service covering all of Kirklees, it aims to tackle loneliness and isolation through matching volunteers with clients. Volunteers will meet or call their “friend” once a week, to...
Community Friends (loneliness and isolation service) website
Kirklees Day Care provides social contact and craft tuition in a friendly environment for older people who are eligible under Social Services criteria for day care, and for private clients. Day care for...
Day centres in Kirklees for older people - Kirklees Day Care website 01422 262004
Formerly called Batley Resource Centre, Jo Cox House provides facilities, access to information and services in Batley and its surrounding areas for children, young people, families and older people who...
Fresh Futures - Jo Cox House, Batley website 01924 479082
Various activities for older people in the Batley and Spen area run by the Royal Voluntary Service. Aims to tackle loneliness and isolation in people over 50 through locally recruited volunteers. The...
RVS activities for older people in Batley and Spen website