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Organisations in category:

Children's support

9 results found

Ashbrow and Birkby Community (ABC) Hub

Our Community Hub is made up of local schools, Chestnut Children’s Centre and Ashbrow Partnering Together. We work together in partnership to support local children and adults, from birth to the elderly. Please...

Ashbrow and Birkby Community (ABC) Hub website

Ashbrow Parents Advocacy Network (APAN)

Ashbrow Parents Advocacy Network, where our commitment to empowering parents and advocating for the well-being of every child forms the cornerstone of our mission. In the heart of Ashbrow, we recognise...

Education 2000

The project engages children and young people in a variety of fun activities, including dance, performing arts, poetry, art and craft and theatre visits. During school holidays (particularly Summer),... 07786 651831

Fresh Futures, Huddersfield (formerly Yorkshire Children's Centre)

Fresh Futures (formerly Yorkshire Children's Centre) is part of National Children's Centre. A charity serving communities locally and regionally and through its lobbying work in a national capacity. Please...

Fresh Futures, Huddersfield (formerly Yorkshire Children's Centre) website 01484 519988

Greenfields Childcare and Greenfields Family Centre, Dalton

Greenfields Childcare was registered in 2002 and is a charity run by a voluntary committee. It is the only organisation operating from Greenfields Family Centre, a purpose built single storey detached...

Greenfields Childcare and Greenfields Family Centre, Dalton website 01484 300971

HD5 Community Hub

Kirklees Community Hubs are a collaboration of local schools, community based partners and services, working together to benefit children, young people and families. Please use the facebook link for more...

HD5 Community Hub website

Home-Start Kirklees

A volunteer led family support charity helping families across Kirklees with everyday life challenges, Home-Start Kirklees offers non-judgemental, confidential weekly support for parents in the longer...

Home-Start Kirklees website 01484 421925

Kirklees Information Advice and Support Service (KIAS) (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

The Service provides information, advice and support to young people and the parents and carers of children who have been or may be identified as having special educational needs. Please see our website...

Kirklees Information Advice and Support Service (KIAS) (Special Educational Needs and Disability) website 07771 977384

Provision in the Community

An established not for profit, community engagement organisation designed to help children, governing bodies and parents. Please see website for more details.

Provision in the Community website