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Organisations in category:

Learning disabilities

4 results found

More2do Kirklees

More2do is a project, run by Mencap in Kirklees, that offers people aged 18+ with learning disabilities the opportunity to take part in social nights and activities on weekend trips away. Come along to...

More2do Kirklees website 01484 340811

REAL Employment (Real Employment for Adults with Learning disabilities)

Various locations...

REAL Employment support adults in Kirklees with learning disabilities, autism and/or additional needs gain meaningful and sustainable paid employment. Job Coaches support people to apply for jobs, training,...

REAL Employment (Real Employment for Adults with Learning disabilities) website

Sensory World, Dewsbury

Sensory World has a play centre and also various activities for disabled adults. The Play Centre is a play area particularly for babies and children with a sensory impairment such as autism or aspergers. Located...

Sensory World, Dewsbury website 01924 456152

Umbrella Yoga CIC

We provide yoga sessions to people with additional needs and Community Yoga in Kirklees. Our beneficiaries include people with learning disabilities, autism, Downs Syndrome, people with mental health...

Umbrella Yoga CIC website

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  • Autism


