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Organisations in category:

Older people's support

6 results found

AbilityNet (tech support for disabled and older people)

For more than 25 years AbilityNet has been a pioneering UK charity, providing specialist services and impartial support to create a digital world accessible to all. Our free online resources and a network...

AbilityNet (tech support for disabled and older people) website

Adult protection (Kirklees Council web page)

Please see the website for details of how to report the abuse of vulnerable adults in Kirklees.

Adult protection (Kirklees Council web page) website

Age UK Handyperson services Kirklees

It can often be difficult and expensive to find someone to do those small jobs that you used to do yourself, such as hanging a curtain rail or fixing a dripping tap. Our Handyperson service can help with...

Age UK Handyperson services Kirklees website 01422 252040

Carephone Home Safety Service

A Carephone is a special unit which you can use to call for help in an emergency. It works 24 hours a day, everyday. Please see our website for more details.

Carephone Home Safety Service website

Cloverleaf Advocacy

We provide person centred advocacy services for people with mental health needs, people with learning disabilities, people with physical or sensory impairments, acquired brain injury, older people and...

Cloverleaf Advocacy website 01924 454875

Valleys Community Transport

Operated by the Denby Dale Centre, the Valleys Community Transport is a project to supply transport provision for those who cannot access existing forms of transport. MINIBUS HIRE VCT has three accessible...

Valleys Community Transport website 01484 860077