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Organisations in category:

Community activity organisers

4 results found

Almondbury Business and Community Association

Business and community association for businesses, community groups, charities and individuals that live and/or work in Almondbury, Almondbury ward and surrounding area. A not for profit volunteer based...

Almondbury Business and Community Association website

East Bierley Community Sports Association (EBCSA)

We're a group of volunteers who have decided that the playing fields and changing facilities at East Bierley, where our children and friends play, just weren't good enough. They were getting to the point...

East Bierley Community Sports Association (EBCSA) website 07939382758

Friends of Outlane

A voluntary group which aims to improve Outlane and the surrounding area for the good of all those who live, work and pass through by representing those groups, organising volunteering activities to make...

Friends of Outlane website

Newsome Ward Community Forum

The forum is open to anyone who lives or works in the Newsome area. We have regular meetings for residents, community groups, volunteers and officers working in the Newsome Ward. We meet to share information...

Newsome Ward Community Forum website 07753 676679