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Organisations in category:

Older people's support

5 results found

Catholic Care services for older people (Huddersfield)

Catholic Care is based in Leeds and runs many groups throughout Yorkshire helping to tackle isolation and loneliness among older people. The team, including volunteers, shares information with older people,...

Catholic Care services for older people (Huddersfield) website 0113 388 5400

GoodGym, Huddersfield (runners who also do good)

GoodGym is a community of runners who get together, run together and undertake tasks together which benefit community groups, non-for profit organisations and charities. Tasks can include planting trees,...

GoodGym, Huddersfield (runners who also do good) website

Slaithwaite Meals on Wheels

A volunteer led organisation that cooks and delivers meals to older people in the following areas - Linthwaite, Marsden, Meltham and Slaithwaite areas, whilst also offering a friendly face and a chat. If...

Slaithwaite Meals on Wheels website

St John's Resource Centre, Huddersfield

We are sited in the heart of Huddersfield, a short 5 minute walk from the Town Centre. Oasis Care Support Services, based at the Centre, run a Domestic Support/Befriending/Sitting Service. We hold a...

St John's Resource Centre, Huddersfield website

Valleys Community Transport

Operated by the Denby Dale Centre, the Valleys Community Transport is a project to supply transport provision for those who cannot access existing forms of transport. MINIBUS HIRE VCT has three accessible...

Valleys Community Transport website 01484 860077