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Organisations in category:

Older people's support

5 results found

AbilityNet (tech support for disabled and older people)

For more than 25 years AbilityNet has been a pioneering UK charity, providing specialist services and impartial support to create a digital world accessible to all. Our free online resources and a network...

AbilityNet (tech support for disabled and older people) website

Cleckheaton University of the Third Age (U3A)

The U3A is an entirely voluntary organisation which enables the over-50s to develop new interests and creative skills, thereby keeping mind alert and body active while taking the opportunity to make new...

Cleckheaton University of the Third Age (U3A) website 01274 877357

Dewsbury District Third Age

We are a volunteer-led charity providing a wide range of inexpensive classes for the over 50's in order to give people an opportunity to take up new interests and meet other people. We provide a choice...

Dewsbury District Third Age website 07842 284778

Holme Valley u3a

The u3a is a voluntary organisation which enables the over-50s to develop new interests and creative skills; learn, laugh and live. We have about 40 interest groups that meet in various venues in the Holme...

Holme Valley u3a website

Huddersfield and District University of the Third Age (U3A)

The U3A covers the whole of Kirklees and is open to those over 50 and the registered disabled. It is a voluntary organisation offering recreational learning and leisure activities in more than 100 subjects,...

Huddersfield and District University of the Third Age (U3A) website 01484 308482

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