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Organisations in category:

Colleges and learning centres

3 results found

Kirklees College

Various locations...

Kirklees College offers hundreds of courses in a massive variety of curriculum areas, ranging from hair and beauty to brickwork including full time, Apprenticeships, part time for leisure and professional...

Kirklees College website 01484 437000

Kirklees College

Various locations...

Kirklees College offers hundreds of courses in a massive variety of curriculum areas, ranging from hair and beauty to brickwork including full time, Apprenticeships, part time for leisure and professional...

Kirklees College website 01484 437000

White Rose School of Health & Beauty Huddersfield

The White Rose School of Health & Beauty Huddersfield belongs to the White Rose Beauty Colleges group which – since its establishment in 1996 – has become the largest, most prestigious UK beauty therapy...

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