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Short Run – An exhibition of Zine makers from across the UK (Huddersfield)

About this activity

WYPW at the Piazza Huddersfield,

42-44 Princess Alexandra Walk, Huddersfield, HD1 2RS

14th September – 20th October

Open: Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10.30am – 3.30pm

This exhibition bringing together seven zine makers from across the UK to showcase their unique publications and artworks that supports their zine making practices.

The exhibition features work by Layla Jabbari, Safrana, Kristyna Baczynski, This is Borough, Jamzilla, Shann Wahl and Chris Printed This. There work provides a small snapshot of the variety in styles and techniques used in todays zine making scene.

Please feel free to pick up and read any of the zines on display. Please take care with them and return them after reading.

Some of the zines in the exhibition are available to purchase. Please as a member of our team for more information.

What is a Zine?

A Zine pronounced ‘zeen’ short for Fanzine are small run self-published, hand-made magazines often having a print run of only a handful to a few hundred. Produced by individuals or small group containing original texts, illustrations and or photography. Zines have long been a way for sub-cultures in politics, music, sport and other marginalised groups to disseminate ideas with profit not the primary intend of publication.

In most cases today they are hand drawn or collaged then reproduced using a photocopier, Risograph or digitally printed onto paper but many other print methods are sometimes used. They are then made into a booklet by simply folding, glueing, sewing, binding, taping or stapling.

Self-publishing pamphlets and booklets has been practised for hundreds as a way for people to share their opinions and writing but the modern Fanzines has their origins in small self-published publications of short stories created but science fiction fans in the 1930’s.

Zine publishing like this grew in popularity 1960’s and 70’s when it was adopted by political activists as well as the growing punk rock movement. Follow a legacy of feminist and women’s self-publication that includes scrapbooking and periodicals Zine’s were used by the riot grrrl movement that emerged from the DIY Punk scene of the1990’s Zine’ allowing these women to circulate ideas and manifesto that would not have otherwise been published.

Today Zine making and collecting are as popular as they have ever been with zine fairs, zine library and zine shops worldwide. With an ever-increasing range of topics covered including the familiar Music and Politics but expanding to cover sport, gardening, Travel, Si-fi, Food, movies, health and much more. If you can think of a topic there is very good chance someone out there who has made a zine on it!

With no permission needed to say whatever you like zine making remains an important why for like-minded individuals to share they thoughts and experiences with others.


West Yorkshire Print Workshop

75a Huddersfield Road, Mirfield, WF14 8AT

01924 497646

Dates and venues

  • Thursday 17 October 2024 - 10:30am - 3:30pm, At WYPW at the Piazza Huddersfield, 42-44 Princess Alexandra Walk, Huddersfield, HD1 2RS, the exhibition runs from !4th September to 20th October on Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10.30am – 3.30pm
  • Friday 18 October 2024 - 10:30am - 3:30pm, At WYPW at the Piazza Huddersfield, 42-44 Princess Alexandra Walk, Huddersfield, HD1 2RS, the exhibition runs from !4th September to 20th October on Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10.30am – 3.30pm
  • Saturday 19 October 2024 - 10:30am - 3:30pm, At WYPW at the Piazza Huddersfield, 42-44 Princess Alexandra Walk, Huddersfield, HD1 2RS, the exhibition runs from !4th September to 20th October on Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10.30am – 3.30pm

Further information



Art, crafts and hobbies Art and craft-related items, including exhibitions, sales and workshops. Also, hobbies like modelling and collecting.