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Cycling sessions for all, and rides on Spen Valley Greenway

About this activity

Category: sport and fitness Mixed Ability Sessions using our range of adapted or non-adapted bikes

Ride in a completely safe environment whatever your ability. Have fun on our track on any one of our fantastic range of adapted or non-adapted bikes. Known as our ‘Mixed Ability Rides’, these are one of our most popular activities. Thousands of people have come to enjoy an hour riding around the track at Spenborough over the years. It’s for everyone, lots of our clients have a disability and we can help anyone with our selection of adapted and non-adapted bikes. It’s a completely safe environment in the controlled space of a track. We have an energetic team of volunteers and experienced staff to support you making this the safest possible environment in which to enjoy your ride.

Spen Valley Greenway Adventures

Rides led by one of our trained Ride Leaders . Go on an adventure along the Spen Valley Greenway with our trained Ride Leaders. Spen Valley Greenway is a completely traffic free track just under 7.5 miles long. Setting off from Spenborough Athletics Track we venture onto the Greenway and encourage users to build their confidence. (* the rides may not run all the time, please check)

Please click on the link under Further Information for more and latest details.




07873 773417

Dates and venues

  • Tuesday 7 July 2026 - 10:30am, Activities may continue till at least the date shown, but please click on the link under Further Information or contact Streetbikes for latest details.
  • Saturday 11 July 2026 - 12:30pm, Activities may continue till at least the date shown, but please click on the link under Further Information or contact Streetbikes for latest details.

Further information
