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Honley Village Community Trust and Honley Village Hall

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  • what your organisation does and who it’s for
  • when you meet
  • any issues about joining or attending meetings (e.g. if there is a waiting list)
  • prices for attending meetings

Web site – please add the organisation’s main web address. Other links can be added under Further Information.


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  1. The Trust owns and manages local beauty spots Magdale Fields, Magdale Dam and Stones Wood. It runs Honley Village Hall and supports local youth activities. There is a Petanque Terrain (Boules pitch) adjacent to the Village hall which is free for all to use and boules are available to borrow.

    Honley Village Hall can be hired at very reasonable rates and is ideal for many activities including private parties.
    Honley Village Hall is situated at Moorbottom opposite Trinity Church and bus 308 stop at the Hall. There is a large layby plus on-road car parking for about 15 cars.

    Every three months the Trust publishes the 'Honley Flyer', a newsletter about Honley events and activities which is delivered free by a team of about 40 volunteers to every house and business in Honley.


Honley Village Community Trust

Organisation last updated

  1. 04 February 2025

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Honley Village Community Trust and Honley Village Hall image


If you want to change your venue or add a new one please use the postcode / street name field to see a list of venues. This should cover all venues in Kirklees, but if you can’t find the venue you need please contact Community Directory, and we will advise or add it for you.

  1. Honley Village Hall, Roundway, Honley, Holmfirth, HD9 6DE
    1. All key services are accessible. Wheelchair access
    2. Either, there are specially marked parking spaces for disabled people, or disabled people can park within 50 metres of an accessible entrance. Disabled parking
    3. There is a toilet which can be accessed by people with disabilities including wheelchair users. This means that it complies with the standards set out in Part M of the Building Regulations,'Access to and use of buildings. Fully accessible toilet


  1. Honley Village Community Trust (The Trust) came into being in 1994. with the object of promoting the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment of Honley Village and the surrounding area.

    It is a non-political, non-sectarian organisation whose aim is to advance public education in environmental matters, and also to provide facilities and equipment for recreation and leisure time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the inhabitants of Honley.

    Membership of the Trust, which is a registered charity (number 1033021) is open to residents of the village, subject to payment of an annual membership subscription of £1 per person or one payment of £20 for life membership.

    The Trust is managed by a general committee of ten volunteers who are elected from within the membership at the annual AGM.


Use this field to give more details of items relating to your meetings or premises, such as parking, public transport, disabled access and toilets, crèche, computers.

Village Hall for HireThe Village Hall is available for hire at very reasonable rates £9. per hour for charity fund raising events or £15 per hour for private parties (3 hour minimum booking) Commercial hirers please contact us for a quotation.
Petanque (Boules) Pitch free to usePetanque (Boules ) Pitch A 14 m x 12 m Petanque terrain is adjacent to the Village Hall which is free to use. Boules are available to borrow free of charge if requested in advance by email

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If any of this information is incorrect please email with details including amendments if you have them. *Please note: you can't contact the above organisation on this e-mail address.*